
Hi Everyone. Thank you for visiting my blog. I don't know about you but it seems like everyday I am faced with some sort of a dilemma. From simple everyday things to life changing decisions. I call them my "daily dilemmas." I created this blog as a way to discuss these topics with other women like myself. I will address issues we talk about all the time with our girlfriends. From recipies and where to find the best deals on the latest fashion to relationship advice, womens health and beauty,career,motherhood,childcare and much more. So please feel free to subscribe,follow my blog,leave your comments, post your own topics and come back frequently for daily dilemma updates!

Friday, January 6, 2012

Make It A Happy New Year!

Hey Guys & Dolls,

 So I know I have been MIA for quite some time now, but its been a insanely busy and incredibly fulfilling year for me. In my time away, I started freelance writing for Patch.com, writing for four different cities, I started my own column, became a talent agent, got my own web-based talk show and had a new baby...so needless to say my hand were kinda full.
 At any rate, I am back thanks to the coaxing and encouragement of my loyal friends and family. I had no clue so many people actually read and enjoyed My Daily Dilemmas.

 2012 is here can you believe it? Yet another year has gone by so quickly. With all the crazy that took place in 2011, you have to wonder if there is any left for this new year. Somehow I think the world will surprise us this year... hopefully not by ending as some have predicted!

 But what if it does? I say let this be a year that counts. For so many of my beautiful single girlfriends who are anxiously waiting for love, let this be the year where you stop waiting for someone to love you, and remember how to love yourself. For those who are toying with the idea of going back to school, switching careers, starting a family, taking a trip or whatever else is on your life long to-do list, I say take a deep breath and just DO IT. If the world were to end this year, don't you want to know you have experienced it and enjoyed it all while you had to chance to? We take so much for granted and never realize what we have until it is gone, so lets not make that mistake with our lives.

 Spend time with those you care about, including yourself. Take a minute out of your hectic day to stop and appreciate the little things. Step away from the TV/Ipad/phone and get down on the floor and play with your kids. Go have a skinny latte (or whatever tickles your pickle) with your lovie. Call your parents and tell them you love them, and gosh darn it buy that pair of shoes you have been eyeing.. we all deserve it!

 So ladies and gents, lets all raise our glasses and sippy cups to 2012 and make this the best year yet!

Thursday, November 11, 2010

To Bare Or Not To Bare

Hi Ladies,

So here is my latest dilemma. I’ve started to notice that my skin hasn’t been looking that great lately. I always try to use the best products out there that will not break the bank and I’ve been pretty happy so far. However, over the past few weeks, I’ve noticed my skin looking a bit dull. It’s not as radiant and glowing as it once was. Now I know a lot has to do with diet and exercise (let’s not get into that) but I am also a big believer in using products that are good for your skin which will enhance its appearance over time. I must admit, when it comes to make-up there is nothing out there for coverage quiet like my beloved MAC. I mean there has never been a day where I wanted to hide a blemish and Studio Fix did not come to my rescue. But unfortunately I just can’t handle its weight for daily use. I’m the kind of person who doesn’t like to look like I’m wearing make-up. To me, nothing is worse that foundation caked onto your cheeks, suffocating your pores.

I also firmly believe that we should start by bettering our skin as oppose to bettering the make-up on it. Thus I have begun my quest, once again, to find the right skin care products that will work for me.

I contemplated for a while whether I should jump on the mineral bandwagon and eventually after half an hour at the cosmetic counter in my favorite department store, I was sold! I started using Clinique’s mineral foundation which I really liked. The best feature of this product was the built in grater thingy which allowed you to grate fresh powder with every use. The clerk described it as “grating fresh parmesan cheese on top of your pasta.” I had to try it, after all parmesan and pasta are two of my favorite Ps.

After a few months, I grew tired of it. I didn’t find that it benefited my skin that much and was once again looking for a change.

My newest obsession is Bare Minerals. I have to say, at first, I did not like the colors they had for my skin tone, and didn’t think it looked that natural on… but after switching to their newest line, I’m absolutely, head over heels IN LOVE! I’ve been using Bare Minerals for about a little over 2 months and I love the way it looks and feels on my skin.

Now I’m on the hunt for a good skin care regime. I see that BM now offers cleansers & scrubs. Has anyone tried this? Do you have any suggestions? What are some products that you use that you love and wouldn’t mind sharing?

BTW- I realize that there are some women out there who would rather get ran over by a car than share their beauty secrets. It’s ok, I understand and can appreciate that so no worries!

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

The Blog is Back!

It has been months since I sat down and wrote something for my blog which I so feverishly started as an attempt to communicate to the world my opinions on different matters with hopes the world would have communicated back to me. I can't believe it's been 6 months and I have not written a single thing. This was supposed to be my project. The thing I would do to bring different people, especially women, together. I was supposed to be the voice of young moms out there and my blog was supposed to bring light, inspiration, humor and camaraderie into the homes and hearts of so many.... hey it's ok to dream right?

But of course, I’ve done what I have a tendency of doing. I got discouraged. I let the lack of time and busyness (yes that is a word) of life dissuade me from doing something I am so passionate and zealous about. I’ve thought of writing several times, in fact, I have a long list of topics I have collected over the months that I plan on discussing, but for whatever reason, I couldn’t bring myself to sit and write. I wouldn’t say it was a lack of motivation, or a lack of inspiration or even writers block. I’m not even quite sure what it was. What I do know is that If I sit here and try to explain or describe it I will probably end up confusing anyone who may potentially be reading this, since my mind runs 100 MPH and I sometimes can’t even keep track much less my poor readers. So I won’t. I will simply just write. I will start today with this post and continue as I go.

So here I go. I hope you will join me (again)….