
Hi Everyone. Thank you for visiting my blog. I don't know about you but it seems like everyday I am faced with some sort of a dilemma. From simple everyday things to life changing decisions. I call them my "daily dilemmas." I created this blog as a way to discuss these topics with other women like myself. I will address issues we talk about all the time with our girlfriends. From recipies and where to find the best deals on the latest fashion to relationship advice, womens health and beauty,career,motherhood,childcare and much more. So please feel free to subscribe,follow my blog,leave your comments, post your own topics and come back frequently for daily dilemma updates!

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Birth Control Disasters

A friend of mine recently had a very scary experience with birth control. She was bleeding for about two months non-stop and was suffering from chronic headaches. One day out of nowhere she blacked out and was rushed to the emergency room. They told her that she had lost a lot of blood and a blood transfusion was needed. After three days in the hospital the doctors finally discharged her and prescribed she take Loestrin 24(a type of birth control pill which is supposed to have a lower dosage of hormones and is advertised to give you shorter, lighter periods) to help regulate her period. A little less than one month later she suffered four seizers in a matter of a few hours. She passed out and still to this day have no recollection of what happened. When she woke up in the hospital bed about two weeks later, she was told she that she was in a coma and was on life support for over a week. There was a blood clot the size of a tennis ball in her brain. The doctors tried to remove it but deemed it to be too risky. She lost her short term memory and was receiving oxygen from a tube inserted to her nose. Apparently, in a very short period of time, the birth control pills that were prescribed to her four weeks earlier caused a series of blood clots leading up to this frightening and life threatening disaster. My friend, a young, energetic and very sweet girl now has to spend a considerable amount of time visiting OBGYNs, Neurologists and a series of other specialists in order for her to regain some sense of normalcy. She also has to take six pills every day to thin her blood and constantly check her blood level to make sure it is neither too think nor too thin.

Birth control pills have always been a pretty scary thought for me. I’ve used the NuvaRing for about six months and although I liked it, I became paranoid after hearing too many stories similar to my friends.’ I got off of it and well what do you know 3 months later I was pregnant! But what’s meant to be will be. After giving birth, my gynie recommended me use the “mini pill” since I was breastfeeding because it supposedly has no estrogen, which is known to slow down and sometimes even stop your milk supply . However, after about 2 weeks on the pill I started noticing a difference in my body which resulted in constant break through bleeding and unbelievable discomfort in my breasts. Without much thought, I stopped taking the pill immediately. Doctors have been recommending birth control to me since I started having my period at nine years old!!! YES I said NINE years old! My cycle was always irregular and my hormones were always imbalanced. I’ve been hearing the pros and cons of BC for about 17 years now and I still am not convinced that it’s a safe form of contraceptive. I know that every woman’s body is different and what works for one may not work for the other. I’ve always been suspicious of altering our natural state of being. Although there are tons of safe medications out there that are intended to help alleviate whatever symptoms and pains we may have, when it comes to birth control I’ve cannot help but be skeptical.

I know this may be a lot to ask, but if any of you have had any good or bad experience with any birth control, would you mind sharing? I would like to bring some sort of awareness to what happened to my friend and what I know has happened to many other women out there. I’m very interested to know what kind of effects these hormone pills have on our female bodies. Thank you in advance if you chose to share your stories.

For more information on Loestrin 24: http://www.loestrin24.com/loestrin/birth-control-faq.jsp


  1. i've never been an advocate of birth control and for that reason has always chosen to desist from using it and have my husband use male contraception, lol, condoms instead. i've always thought that to be safer and it's worked out for us bc whatever ismeant to be will be, i believe.

    i do however have friends who use YAZ and they have found it to be effective and i also know people who use mirena and nuva ring and they have liked it but what may work for one may not necessarily work for another.

    your friend's story is incredibly sad, and i hope she gets better and gets back to her normal self soon.

  2. first of all, i'm so sorry for your friend - i hope she is recoverying quickly!

    i've actually been on birth control pills of one kind or another (yaz, orthocept, loestrin) for over 10 years now and never had a problem. i only worry about being on it for so long but doctors tell me it'll be fine..

    - c

    for your friend - the fault may be with the doctors, they probably should have tested her for clotting issues before putting her on the pill since that is a risk factor..

  3. From personal experience, birth control is an individual thing- find one and stick to it. Women should consider their medical history before taking bc especially if they can identify with all the listed side effects.
    Sorry to hear about your friend, I hope she can recover fully.
    *And congrats on the website. I finally got a minute to sign up and check it out. Great job!


  4. I am sorry to hear about ur friend. That sort of thing should never happen.
    As a modern feminist, I am all about a woman's right to choose... ANYTHING. Birth control is just one option available to many women today and it works for a lot of us. There are also the number that it does not work for, and your friend I guess happens to be a glaring example of that.
    I personally have had no problems with hormonal birth control. I have been on a pill of some sort since I was 18. It was a great option for me. I started out with Ortho Cyclen and ended with Seasonale. I loved having no periods, no cramps, no acne. The pill was also a great option for me given my family history of breast cancer. Some studies suggest that long term use of the pill lowers your risk of developing breast cancer... That awaits to be seen in my case. I experimented with several pills until I got and stuck with Seasonale. There were several issues with the others, but the biggest was a loss in libido... I did not mind the 5 lbs I gained because that means that now I have breasts :)
    I recently switched to an IUD (Mirena) because I was becoming extremely forgetful taking my pill, and I wanted no unplanned pregnancies to happen, as I know I am not in a situation to have a child at the moment. I have not had the IUD long enough to pass judgments, but I will keep you posted if you like. If it does not work out, I will definitely switch back to the pill, until I am ready to start a family

  5. I'm so sorry about your friend. Hopefully, she'll be back to normal soon. That is indeed a horror story.

    I love any form of BC. But unfortunately it doesnt love me back! I've tried everything! But it always has some side effects or the other. I loved Yaz... made me lose weight, but after a year of it even the thought of it made me sick. I had the IUD, and was ok with it for about a year. Then suddenly had my perioud and it didnt stop for a full month, so i took it out. I should mention that I get pregnant even if i sneeze too hard! so I have a real problem.

    My husband and i used spermicides (too messy) and condoms (no freedom) and have tried so many things. Right now i'm usuing a very old fashion approach which is my calendar! Tho its not fool proof, I try to avouid the days that i'm ovulating (trust me that when u want it most) so far so good. have been doing this for a few months with no probs (no other BC inculded) I'm seriously considering tieing my tubes, but the docs wont do it cause i'm too young. As soon as i can i will tho.

    Hope I was a little helpful!
