
Hi Everyone. Thank you for visiting my blog. I don't know about you but it seems like everyday I am faced with some sort of a dilemma. From simple everyday things to life changing decisions. I call them my "daily dilemmas." I created this blog as a way to discuss these topics with other women like myself. I will address issues we talk about all the time with our girlfriends. From recipies and where to find the best deals on the latest fashion to relationship advice, womens health and beauty,career,motherhood,childcare and much more. So please feel free to subscribe,follow my blog,leave your comments, post your own topics and come back frequently for daily dilemma updates!

Monday, February 8, 2010

Breaking Up Is Hard To Do!!!!

With Valentine's Day just around the corner I'm sure there are people out there who is NOT looking forward to seeing all the happy couples or watching the gushing of your co-worker as she happily accepts flowers and chocolate that was delivered from her sweetheart. Some of us might be on the other end of the happy spectrum. I always hated the proccess of getting over someone but absoultely loved the feeling of liberation once I did. It sometimes takes a little longer than we would hope. So my questio for you all today is how do we get over a case of the ex???

So here’s the scenario: you’ve met this amazing someone, you can’t seem to get your mind off of. Movie dates, late night phone calls till the wee hours of the morning, text messages saying “I’m thinking of you” and all that other cute stuff that makes you gush at the sight of their name on the caller ID, (you know the kind where you run to pick up the phone because you have a special ring tone just for them!!). C’mon you know who you are. We’ve all been there, either the one doing the gushing, or causing the gushing. So things are going good, when all of a sudden everything changes and you hear words similar to “I think we need a break,” “Its just not going to work between us,” “I found someone else,” “maybe we should just be friends”  and my all time personal favorite “I’m just not looking for a relationship right now.” WTF??? What just happened here?? Now you’re stuck with movie stubs, his old t-shirt, saved voicemails from when you first started dating when everything was just peeeeachy, memories, photos, and not to mention BILLS. So now what do you do? The truth is getting over somebody you care about and moving on with your life is one of the hardest things the heart has to face and for lots of people you can expect to stare this love-demon in the face more than once in a lifetime.

Well now its time to MOVE ON! You can’t dwell on the past. What are some things that you can do, to help move on?

Here’s my personal list of some of the things I always advise my friends to do and I have tried practice myself back in my single dating days.

If you have any little tricks, please feel free to share.

1. Accept that it’s over and FORCE yourself to let go. There are better things out there.

2. Avoid talking about them to friends, calling and hanging up or driving by their house/work(you know you’ve done it). As a matter of fact delete their number from your phone and email address from your contacts. That way there is no temptations or cause for excuses. (Let's hope you have not memorized it!)

3. The best way to get over a hot guy/girl, is to meet an ever hotter guy/girl. So don’t lock yourself away, Date, meet new people and DON’T compare them to your ex...but DON'T rush into another relationship. Give yourself time to heal and breathe. Reconnect with YOU

4. Get busy, do stuff, go out, get involved, work out. Keeping busy will help get your mind off that loser, who wouldn’t know a good thing if it bit him in the armpit (sorry a little personal venting there..lol )

5. Pray.. its amazing how much it helps and gives you strength.

6. Make the effort to look good everyday. When heads turn, it will give you that spunk again, that reminds you that you still got it going on. We all know when you look good, you feel good!

7. Put away all that little sentimental crap that remind you of them. Give it back, trash it, burn it... I don't care, just get it out of your life.

8. Think positive. How did you learn from this experience? Maybe that person wasn’t for you to begin with. S/He isnt’ the last wo/man out there. The best is yet to come.

9. Smile, laugh, be happy. You’re a great person, and have lots to offer. Even if you have to fake the happiness and smiles at first. Pretty soon you will find yourself naturally happy and enjoying yourself again.

10. And last but certainly not least, unless they did something really terrible to you that you just can't forgive, DON'T HOLD GRUDGES. This person was once a part of your life and hating them,cursing,plotting against them and talking smack is just harboring unhealthy, negative feelings that won’t help the situation. Be mature and realistic. Try thinking in a positive way, you’ll see how much easier it will be. You always want to be the one walking away with your head up and them realizing ah shit.. I lost a good thing. Trust me, when one window closes, ten doors open.

What are some things that you guys do to get over someone? It doesn't only have to apply to love relationships but also friendships gone sour. Let me know.


  1. OMG I absolutely love your blog! ONe day you'll have to tell me how you started it and all!! Well, relationships / getting over:
    a. BE POSITIVE, sounds hard, is easy: Like you said, wake up, exercise, LOOK GOOD, SERVE OTHER PEOPLE. Do something nice for your parents, friends, etc that you wouldn't normally do. They will notice and appreciate...and often UNEXPECTEDLY reciprocate. You will start realizing your value again (hopefully you didn't forget) OUTSIDE of the relationship. How much you can give with all the sweetness that you are! Also, I heard relationships are hard to get over b/c our neural pathways or so are connected to this one person...so once you start spending time with/ and doing stuff FOR other people...your brain is activated by other beings. (short explanation ;)) I think I am an expert by now. It is still so hard. There is a book called: Don't Call That Man! You will have a call/ miss him/ her attack....but just sit there, breathe, feel the intensity of that mmoment, of that missing, of that longing and let it go once it passes. Feel who you are and give the best of who you are to others, with no expectation, maybe just to "selfishly" distract yourself at the beginning, and surprisingly enough you will see beautiful things. Hugs, hearts, and hope! And instead of focussing on your "sad" self this V Day.... Love someone this 14th, and make their day 2 7's, double the luckky cuz they have you in their life!!! Hugs, M

  2. You actually hit all of the key things to do to get over that special someone. I wish I knew tht a long time ago.

    Definitely keep yourself busy and make sure you keep a good appearance. You don't want to run in to the ex looking like crap.
    Be good to yourself.
    Do things for yourself -- learn something new or go somewhere you've never been.
    Don't lose your confidence. One thing that attracts a man/woman is confidence.

    One thing I've learned is how to enjoy things by myself. I go to the movies by myself, shop by myself. I am pretty awesome so I have fun being me and doing things I love, even if I have to do it by myself. Plus you can meet people that do the same.

    Alone or not V-day is my favorite day, so don't let anything bring you down.

  3. How about rebound immediately
